"Developing business partnerships is all about long term trust and close relationships"
Having commenced his working career matching colors in a large scale production facility, Nick can certainly be described as a color expert. With over 25 years in the color and coatings industries across technical, management, project management and commercial roles, Nick has dealt with the vast majority of situations that can arise in any manufacturing facility.
As Technical Manager of the cosmetics laboratory for a FTSE 100 Company in the UK, Nick was responsible for all research, range development, color development, quality control and product innovation across the company's international markets. Nick has a global perspective of cosmetics and the expertise to be truly innovative.
Importantly, Nick's career has also been involved in business development and new business sales. Combining his technical and sales skills means a customer focused view of the product development process for clients.
Nick is clear that it is long term business relationships, developed for the good of all stake holders, that deliver the best outcomes for all parties.